Oil Purifier
Oil purifier is used for filtering the solid impurities in the oil, moisture, mechanical equipment to improve the performance of oils.It adopts pressure filtration or vacuum evaporation - pressure filtration method to remove solid impurities and water in oil. Oil purifier is mainly used to improve the electrical insulating oil properties and the degree of purity of lubricating oil.
1. structure form: plate and frame oil purifier, high-precision oil purifier, vacuum oil purifier, to renewable oil purifier, centrifugal oil purifier;
2.medium: Oil Purifier, Transformer Oil Purifier, fire-resistant oil purifier
3.Oil purifier industry standard
JB / T 5153-2006 frame pressurized oil filter
JB / T 5153.1-1991 plate and frame pressure oil filter types and basic parameters
JB / T 5153.2-1991 plate and frame pressure oil filter conditions
JB / T 53160-1999 plate and frame pressure oil filter product quality grading