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LCS4H1AH Oil Coalescer And Separator replacement

LCS4H1AH Oil Coalescer And Separator replacement

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Lefilter is a professional filters factory.


Brand Name:
Model Number:
Nominal filtration rating:
Operating pressure:
Working temperature:
Replacement or not:Replacement

Product introduction:

LCS4H1AH filter element is widely used in hydraulic system and lubrication system to remove water in the oil to guarantee the normal operation of the system.

Filter element features:

Filtration: solid particles are removed from the fluid stream by the filter medium.
Coalescence: small droplets are merged into larger ones as they pass through several layers of filter media in the coalescer.
Separation: gravity takes effect, the large droplets are separated from the product fluid stream. 


Quality assurance:

 ISO 2941------Collapse & Burst Resistant
 ISO 2942------Fabrication & Integrity Test
 ISO 2943------Material Compatibility with Fluids
 ISO 3724------Flow Fatigue Characteristics
 ISO 3968------Pressure Drop vs. Flow Rate
 ISO 16889------Multi-pass Performance Testing

Typical P/N.:

No. P/N. No. P/N.
1 CS604LGH13 7 CS604LGBT2H13
2 CS604LGBH13 8 CS604LGBT2DH13
3 CS604LGDH13 9 CC1LGA7H13
4 CS604LGBDH13 10 CC3LG02H13
5 CS604LGT2H13 11 CC3LGA7H13
6 CS604LGT2DH13 12 CC3LGB7H13

*More code numbers and specifications,contact us,please.

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