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Tank Mounted Suction Strainers/ Sump Strainers

Tank Mounted Suction Strainers/ Sump Strainers

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Tank Mounted Suction Strainers/ Sump Strainers TankMountedSuctionStrainers/SumpStrainers SuctionFilters/SumpFilters/SuctionFilterElements Installedfromtheoutside,throughthetanksidewallortop,forfluidpower,lubrications,fuelandrelatedsystems, t


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Tank Mounted Suction Strainers/ Sump Strainers 

Tank Mounted Suction Strainers/ Sump Strainers
Suction Filters/ Sump Filters/ Suction Filter Elements

 Installed from the outside, through the tank sidewall or top, for fluid power, lubrications, fuel and related systems,
they're easily removed for servicing. Connection styles for NPT pipe, SAE straight-thread, or hose. Stainless steel models
 available. Bypass valves optional.

Nominal Flow: 3GPM(11.35L/Min)
Bypass Pressure: 5 Psi bypass available.
Filter Rating:149Micron/100 mesh stainless steel screen Options
Cast iron bushings (NPT)  
Male Thread:3/4'  
Outlet Port:3/8'  
Length:4 In, 101mm
Construction: epoxy bond
Perforated steel support tubes

Custom sizes and mesh are available consult factory
Quality assurance

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