Water Basket filter

DATE:2024-05-31Number of views: Source:LEFILTER

In today's era of globalization, we are honored to strongly recommend our high-efficiency basket filters to you for solutions to various fluid filtration needs. No matter where you are in the world, our basket filters can adapt to various environments and applications, exceed your expectations and provide extraordinary performance.

First, let's unveil the mystery of the basket filter. The basket filter is a simple, easy-to-use, and stable filtering device, inspired by the shape of a blue basket. Its filter media consists of a sturdy metal basket filled with various types of filter materials, including but not limited to stainless steel mesh, nylon mesh, and filter paper. This design makes the basket filter more adaptable and can filter solid impurities of various particle sizes.

Let's work together to learn more about the uniqueness of the basket filter. Its strength lies first in its continuous working performance. The basket filter does not need to be replaced frequently, reducing your maintenance frequency and tight work schedule. Its sophisticated component design and the application of high-quality materials enable it to maintain its excellent performance even in harsh environments with high temperatures and chemicals. In addition, the design of this filter is very flexible and can adapt to various different filtration needs. At the same time, it can effectively filter out large particles in the liquid and let fine particles pass through to obtain high-quality filtration results.

Whether your needs are diversified oil filtration, complex chemical fluid processing, or even the care needs of cooling devices, our basket filter can bring excellent performance. It is easy to operate. Just open the shell, take out the basket and replace the new filter pad to work again, which greatly reduces your maintenance workload and avoids frequent downtime.

We have provided successful filtration solutions to many customers around the world. The enthusiastic feedback from our customers is our greatest pride. Our basket filters provide safe, stable and efficient filtration services for the global manufacturing, chemical, oil and gas industries.

The working principle of the basket filter is relatively simple and effective. It mainly uses a basket filter to filter out solid impurities in the liquid, thereby achieving clean filtration of the fluid. The following is the basic working principle of the basket filter:

When the fluid enters the filter housing, due to the special structural design of the shell, the fluid will flow evenly from the outer wall of the filter cartridge to the inner wall. This flow direction allows solid impurities to be evenly distributed on the outer wall of the basket filter.

The fluid passes through the filter basket, and the solid particles cannot pass through the filter basket due to the resistance, and are accumulated on the surface of the filter to form a filter cake. The fluid flows into the filter through the small holes of the filter basket.

Wastewater treatment Basket filter 1

As the filtration process progresses, the solid impurities blocked on the outer wall of the filter basket will gradually increase, and the filter cake layer formed will also become thicker.

The pressure difference during the filtration process is the working pressure of the filter. When the pressure difference reaches a certain value, it means that the filter cake is too thick. At this time, the filtration operation needs to be stopped and the filter basket needs to be cleaned or replaced.

The cleaning methods usually include backwashing, sweeping, ultrasound, etc. The cleaned filter can be reused.

The working principle of the basket filter is relatively simple and effective. It mainly uses a basket filter to filter out solid impurities in the liquid, thereby achieving clean filtration of the fluid. The following is the basic working principle of the basket filter:

When the fluid enters the filter housing, due to the special structural design of the shell, the fluid will flow evenly from the outer wall of the filter cartridge to the inner wall. This flow direction allows solid impurities to be evenly distributed on the outer wall of the basket filter.

The fluid passes through the filter basket, and the solid particles cannot pass through the filter basket due to the resistance, and are accumulated on the surface of the filter to form a filter cake. The fluid flows into the filter through the small holes of the filter basket.

As the filtration process progresses, the solid impurities blocked on the outer wall of the filter basket will gradually increase, and the filter cake layer formed will also become thicker.

The pressure difference during the filtration process is the working pressure of the filter. When the pressure difference reaches a certain value, it means that the filter cake is too thick. At this time, the filtration operation needs to be stopped and the filter basket needs to be cleaned or replaced.Wastewater treatment Basket filter 3

The cleaning methods usually include backwashing, sweeping, ultrasound, etc. The cleaned filter can be reused.

Basket filters have excellent adaptability and can handle various types of liquids, including but not limited to the following:

Water and other solutions: Basket filters can effectively remove suspended particles and other large particles of impurities in water and other solutions, and are widely used in water treatment, sewage treatment and food and beverage industries.

Mineral oil and lubricating oil: In the petroleum and petrochemical industries, basket filters are often used to clean solid impurities in crude oil, fuel oil, lubricating oil and other mineral oils.

Chemical fluids: Basket filters can be used to filter solid impurities in acids, alkalis and other chemical solvents, and are indispensable equipment in the chemical industry and the pharmaceutical industry.

Viscous liquids: Basket filters have good filtering effects on liquids with low precision requirements and high viscosity, such as grease, coatings and paints.

Coolants and refrigerants: In cooling systems or refrigeration systems, basket filters are often used to filter coolants and refrigerants to prevent impurities from blocking the system, thereby improving the operating efficiency and stability of the system.

Wastewater treatment Basket filter

In general, whether in the food and beverage industry or in heavy industries such as petroleum, chemical, electric power, and metallurgy, basket filters can meet a variety of different filtering needs.

Finally, our team looks forward to establishing a partnership with you to solve your filtration problems and improve your business efficiency. No matter where you are, whether you are a startup company producing equipment or an industry giant, we firmly believe that our basket filter will be your best choice. Let us move towards a cleaner, safer and more effective fluid filtration management together. Welcome to contact us, our team is looking forward to pursuing excellence with you.