Large Flow Filter Selection Guide---LEFILTER

DATE:2024-09-05Number of views: Source:LEFILTER

In the fields of industrial production and water treatment, the correct selection of large flow filter elements is crucial, which is directly related to the performance, efficiency and operating cost of the filtration system. The following will introduce the selection method of large flow filter elements in detail.

Clarify the filtration needs

1.Determine the purpose of filtration

First, it is necessary to clarify the purpose of using large flow filter elements. Is it used to remove impurities in water to obtain high-quality pure water? Or is it used to filter solid particles in industrial fluids to protect downstream equipment? Different filtration purposes will have different performance requirements for filter elements.

For example, in the electronics industry, the purity of production water is extremely high, and large flow filter elements need to be able to effectively remove impurities such as tiny particles, organic matter and ions to ensure the quality and reliability of electronic products. In the petrochemical industry, large flow filter elements are mainly used to filter impurities in crude oil or chemical products to prevent equipment clogging and wear.

Large Flow Filter Selection Guide---LEFILTER 1

2.Analyze the characteristics of the filter medium

Understanding the properties of the medium to be filtered is the key to selection. Including the type of medium (such as water, oil, organic solvents, etc.), chemical composition, pH (pH value), temperature, viscosity, etc.

For aqueous media, consider whether it contains hardness ions, microorganisms, organic matter, etc. If the water contains a high concentration of hardness ions, it may cause scaling of the filter element, affecting the filtering effect and service life. At this time, it is necessary to select a filter element with anti-scaling performance. For oily media, consider the type of oil (such as mineral oil, synthetic oil, etc.), viscosity and whether it contains corrosive components. If the viscosity of the oil is high, it is necessary to select a filter element with a larger porosity and flow capacity to ensure sufficient flow.

The temperature of the medium is also an important factor. Different filter element materials have different temperature adaptability ranges. For example, polypropylene filter elements are generally suitable for media from room temperature to about 60°C, while polytetrafluoroethylene filter elements can withstand higher temperatures. If the temperature of the filter medium is high, it is necessary to select a high-temperature resistant filter element material to prevent the filter element from deformation or damage.

3.Determine the filtration accuracy requirements

According to the filtration purpose and the requirements of the downstream equipment, determine the required filtration accuracy. Filtration accuracy is usually expressed in microns (μm), which indicates the minimum particle size that the filter element can remove.

Large Flow Filter Selection Guide---LEFILTER 2

For some occasions with very strict requirements on particle size, such as the pharmaceutical industry and the electronics industry, it may be necessary to select high-precision filter elements, such as 0.1 micron or even higher precision filter elements. For some general industrial filtration occasions, such as industrial water pretreatment or hydraulic system filtration, you can choose relatively low-precision filter elements, such as 1 micron, 5 micron or 10 micron.

It should be noted that the higher the filtration accuracy, the better. Too high filtration accuracy may cause the filter element to block faster, reduce flow and service life, and also increase costs. Therefore, when determining the filtration accuracy, it is necessary to comprehensively consider factors such as filtration effect, flow requirements and cost.

Consider flow requirements

1.Calculate system flow

Calculate the flow of the required large flow filter element according to the design flow and operating conditions of the filtration system. Generally speaking, the flow of the filter element should be slightly larger than the design flow of the system to ensure sufficient filtration capacity during the operation of the system.

For example, if the design flow of the filtration system is 100 cubic meters/hour, a large flow filter element with a flow of about 120 cubic meters/hour can be selected. At the same time, the flow changes of the system at different operating stages, such as startup, normal operation and peak flow, should also be considered to ensure that the filter element can meet the various flow requirements of the system.

2.Evaluate the flow characteristics of the filter element

Different types of high-flow filter elements have different flow characteristics. Generally speaking, the flow of the filter element is related to factors such as filtration area, porosity, and pressure difference.

The larger the filtration area, the larger the flow of the filter element. Therefore, when selecting, you can choose a filter element with a larger filtration area, such as a pleated filter element or a deep filter element. Porosity refers to the ratio of the volume of the pores in the filter element to the total volume. The higher the porosity, the stronger the flow capacity of the filter element. The pressure difference refers to the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the filter element. The greater the pressure difference, the smaller the flow of the filter element. Therefore, when selecting, choose a filter element that can provide sufficient flow within a reasonable pressure difference range.

3.Consider the pressure loss of the system

The installation of a high-flow filter element will bring a certain pressure loss to the filtration system. When selecting, consider the impact of the pressure loss of the filter element on the operation of the system to ensure that the system can still meet the pressure requirements after the filter element is installed.

Generally speaking, the pressure loss of the filter element is related to factors such as flow rate, filtration accuracy, and filter element material. The pressure loss of the filter element can be determined by consulting the technical parameters of the filter element or conducting actual tests. If the system has strict pressure requirements, you can choose a filter element with less pressure loss, or reduce the pressure loss of the system by increasing the number of filter elements or installing them in parallel.

Large Flow Filter Selection Guide---LEFILTER 4

Choose the right filter element material

1.Consider chemical compatibility

Different filter element materials have different tolerances to different chemicals. When selecting, make sure that the filter element material has good chemical compatibility with the filter medium and other chemicals in the system to prevent corrosion, dissolution, or deformation of the filter element.

For example, a filter element made of polypropylene has good acid and alkali resistance and chemical stability, and is suitable for filtering most aqueous media and some organic solvents. A filter element made of polytetrafluoroethylene has extremely strong corrosion resistance and is suitable for filtering corrosive media such as strong acids, strong alkalis, and organic solvents. A filter element made of stainless steel is suitable for filtering high temperature, high pressure, and highly corrosive media.

2.Evaluate physical properties

The physical properties of the filter element material will also affect its filtration performance and service life. For example, the strength, wear resistance, and temperature resistance of the filter element.

If the filter medium contains more solid particles or needs to operate at a higher pressure, a filter element material with higher strength and good wear resistance, such as stainless steel or ceramic, should be selected. If the temperature of the filter medium is high, a filter element material with good temperature resistance, such as polytetrafluoroethylene or glass fiber, needs to be selected.

3.Consider environmental protection and recyclability

In today's era of environmental protection, choosing environmentally friendly filter element materials is also an important consideration. Some recyclable or degradable filter element materials, such as biodegradable plastics, can not only reduce pollution to the environment, but also reduce costs.

Large Flow Filter Selection Guide---LEFILTER 5

Determine the structural form of the filter element

1.Pleated filter element

Pleated filter element is a common large flow filter element structure. It has a large filtration area, high filtration accuracy and low pressure loss.

Pleated filter elements are usually folded by multiple layers of filter material, with a supporting skeleton in the middle to increase the strength and stability of the filter element. This type of filter element is suitable for various filtering occasions, especially those with high requirements for flow and filtration accuracy.

2.Deep filter element

The deep filter element is filtered through the porous structure inside the filter element. It has a large dirt holding capacity and a long service life.

Deep filter elements are usually made of fiber materials or granular materials, such as activated carbon, diatomaceous earth, etc. This type of filter element is suitable for filtering media containing more impurities, such as industrial wastewater, sludge, etc.

3.Meltblown filter element

The meltblown filter element is a filter element made by meltblowing process. It has the advantages of high filtration accuracy, large flow rate, and small pressure loss.

Meltblown filter elements are usually made of materials such as polypropylene and have good chemical stability and corrosion resistance. This type of filter element is suitable for various water treatment occasions, such as drinking water filtration, industrial water filtration, etc.

Consider installation and maintenance requirements

1.Installation method

There are many installation methods for large flow filter elements, such as plug-in, flange, threaded, etc. When selecting, choose the appropriate installation method according to the structure and installation space of the filtration system.

The plug-in installation method is simple and convenient, and is suitable for most filtration systems. The flange installation method is suitable for large filtration systems or occasions where filter elements need to be replaced frequently. The threaded installation method is suitable for small filtration systems or occasions with limited space.

2.Maintenance convenience

Choosing a large flow filter element that is easy to maintain can reduce operating costs and maintenance workload. For example, some filter elements can be regenerated by backwashing or chemical cleaning to extend their service life.

At the same time, the convenience of replacing the filter element should also be considered. Choosing a filter element with a simple structure that is easy to disassemble and install can reduce maintenance time and cost.

Large Flow Filter Selection Guide---LEFILTER 3

Comprehensive consideration of cost factors

1.Filter element price

The prices of large-flow filter elements of different brands, materials and specifications vary greatly. When selecting, choose a filter element with a reasonable price based on the actual budget.

However, price cannot be used as the only selection criterion. Factors such as the performance, quality and service life of the filter element should also be considered comprehensively.

2.Service life

The service life of the filter element is also an important factor affecting the cost. Generally speaking, a filter element with a long service life can reduce the frequency of replacement and reduce operating costs.

When selecting, you can refer to the technical parameters, user evaluation and actual use experience of the filter element to select a filter element with a long service life.

3.Operating cost

In addition to the price and service life of the filter element itself, the operating cost of the filter element should also be considered. For example, the pressure loss of the filter element will increase the energy consumption of the system, and energy costs need to be considered. At the same time, the replacement and maintenance of the filter element also requires a certain amount of manpower and time costs.

In summary, the selection of large flow filter elements needs to comprehensively consider the filtration requirements, flow requirements, filter element materials, structural forms, installation and maintenance requirements, and cost factors. Only by selecting the appropriate large flow filter element can the performance, efficiency, and operating cost of the filtration system be optimized. During the selection process, you can consult a professional filter element supplier or technician to obtain more technical support and suggestions.