How to choose a quartz sand filter

DATE:2024-09-06Number of views: Source:LEFILTER



Among numerous water treatment equipment, quartz sand filters have become an indispensable and important component of water treatment systems due to their efficient filtration performance, stable operating status, and relatively low cost. The correct selection of quartz sand filters is crucial for ensuring water treatment efficiency, extending equipment lifespan, and reducing operating costs. This article will provide a detailed introduction to the selection method of quartz sand filters, helping users make wise choices.


Working principle of quartz sand filter:


Quartz sand filters mainly use quartz sand as a filtering medium to remove suspended solids, particulate matter, colloids and other impurities in water through physical interception. When the water to be treated passes through the filter, impurities in the water are intercepted by quartz sand particles, thereby purifying the water. As the filtration time prolongs, more and more impurities will accumulate on the surface of quartz sand. When the filtration resistance reaches a certain level, it is necessary to backwash the filter to remove the accumulated impurities and restore the filtering performance of the filter.

 How to choose a quartz sand filter

Selection considerations:


1. Processing water volume

The amount of water to be processed is the primary consideration in the selection of quartz sand filters. Determine the specifications and dimensions of the filter based on the actual amount of water that needs to be processed. Generally speaking, the processing capacity of the filter should be slightly greater than the actual water consumption to ensure that it can meet the demand during peak water use periods.

The processing capacity of the required filter can be determined by calculating the water consumption per unit time. For example, in an industrial production process that requires processing 100 cubic meters of water per hour, it is necessary to choose a quartz sand filter with a processing capacity greater than 100 cubic meters per hour.


2. Filtering accuracy

The filtering accuracy determines the size of impurity particles that the filter can remove. Different application scenarios have different requirements for filtering accuracy. For example, drinking water treatment usually requires high filtration accuracy to remove small particles such as bacteria and viruses; However, industrial water treatment may have relatively low requirements for filtration accuracy.

Common quartz sand filters have filtration accuracies of 5 microns, 10 microns, 20 microns, etc. When selecting, the appropriate filtration accuracy should be determined based on the actual water quality requirements and the needs of subsequent treatment processes.


3. Work pressure

Understand the working pressure range of the water treatment system and choose a quartz sand filter that can withstand this pressure. Generally speaking, the working pressure of quartz sand filters has a certain standard range, such as 0.6MPa, 1.0MPa, 1.6MPa, etc.

If the system operates under high pressure, it is necessary to choose a filter with better pressure resistance performance to ensure the safe operation of the equipment. At the same time, the filtering performance and backwashing effect of the filter under different pressures should also be considered.


4. Types and quality of filter media

The type and quality of quartz sand filter directly affect the filtration effect and service life of the filter. High quality quartz sand filter material should have the following characteristics: uniform particles, high hardness, stable chemical properties, and no impurities.

Common quartz sand filter media include ordinary quartz sand, refined quartz sand, and high-purity quartz sand. Different types of quartz sand filter media are suitable for different water quality and filtration requirements. When selecting, the appropriate type of filter material should be chosen according to the actual situation.

In addition, attention should be paid to the filling height and density of the filter material to ensure the filtration performance and backwashing effect of the filter.


5. Equipment material

The material of quartz sand filter should be selected according to the characteristics of the treated water quality and the usage environment. Common filter materials include carbon steel, stainless steel, fiberglass, etc.

Carbon steel filters have lower costs, but they are prone to rusting in some highly corrosive water environments; Stainless steel filters have good corrosion resistance, but are relatively expensive; Fiberglass material filters are lightweight and corrosion-resistant, but their strength is relatively low.

When selecting, factors such as the service life, maintenance cost, and cost-effectiveness of the equipment should be comprehensively considered to choose suitable materials.


6. Backwash method

There are various backwashing methods for quartz sand filters, such as manual backwashing, automatic backwashing, and gas water combined backwashing. Different backwashing methods have different advantages and disadvantages.

Manual backwashing operation is simple, but requires manual intervention and high labor intensity; Automatic backwashing can achieve automated control and save manpower, but the equipment cost is relatively high; The combined backwashing effect of gas and water is good, but it requires high equipment requirements.

When selecting, the appropriate backwashing method should be chosen according to the actual situation to ensure the filtration performance and service life of the filter.


7. Installation method and space requirements

Select the appropriate installation method for quartz sand filters based on the actual installation site conditions and space requirements. Common installation methods include vertical installation, horizontal installation, and wall mounted installation.

Vertical installation has a small footprint but a high height; Horizontal installation occupies a large area, but is easy to operate and maintain; Wall mounted installation is suitable for situations with limited space. When selecting, the appropriate installation method should be chosen according to the actual situation to ensure the convenience of equipment installation and use.


Selection steps:


1. Determine the treatment water quantity and water quality requirements

By analyzing the water system, determine the required water quantity and quality requirements for treatment. Including suspended solids, particulate matter, colloids, organic matter, hardness and other indicators in water.

Determine the required filtration accuracy and treatment process based on water quality requirements.


2. Choose a filtering medium

Select the appropriate type and specification of quartz sand filter material based on water quality requirements and filtration accuracy.

Consider the filling height and density of the filter material to ensure the filtration performance and backwashing effect of the filter.


3. Determine the specifications and dimensions of the filter

Calculate the required filtration area and volume of the filter based on the processing water volume and filtration speed.

Select appropriate filter specifications and sizes based on the space requirements of the installation site. Generally speaking, the diameter and height of the filter should be reasonably selected according to the actual situation.


4. Choose equipment material and backwash method

Select appropriate filter materials based on the characteristics of water quality treatment and usage environment.

Choose the appropriate backwash method based on the actual situation to ensure the filtration performance and service life of the filter.



The correct selection of quartz sand filters is crucial for ensuring water treatment efficiency, extending equipment lifespan, and reducing operating costs. In the selection process, factors such as water treatment capacity, filtration accuracy, working pressure, type and quality of filter media, equipment material, backwashing method, installation method, and space requirements should be fully considered. By scientifically and reasonably selecting quartz sand filters suitable for practical application scenarios, strong guarantees are provided for the stable operation of water treatment systems. At the same time, during use, it is necessary to strengthen the operation management and maintenance of the filter, regularly backwash and replace the filter material to ensure the filtration performance and service life of the filter.

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