Self-cleaning filter: an innovative choice for high-efficiency filtration

DATE:2024-09-06Number of views: Source:LEFILTER

Working principle of self-cleaning filter

Self-cleaning filter is a precision equipment that uses filter screen to directly intercept impurities in water, remove suspended matter and particulate matter in water, reduce turbidity, purify water quality, reduce system dirt, algae, rust, etc., to purify water quality and protect the normal operation of other equipment in the system.

Its working process is mainly divided into two stages: filtration and cleaning.

In the filtration stage, water enters the filter from the water inlet and first passes through the coarse filter screen to intercept larger particles of impurities. Then, the water flows through the fine filter screen, which can intercept smaller particles of impurities, so that the filtered water flows out from the outlet to achieve the purpose of purifying water quality.

As the filtration proceeds, impurities gradually accumulate on the inner surface of the fine filter screen, causing apressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the filter. When the pressure difference reaches the preset value, the self-cleaning filter automatically enters the cleaning stage.


There are mainly the following ways in the cleaning stage:

Suction cleaning

During cleaning, the drain valve is opened and the pressure inside the filter drops. Due to the negative pressure, the suction device sucks the dirt on the inner wall of the fine filter through the suction nozzle. The suction device is usually driven by a hydraulic motor and rotates inside the filter to ensure that the impurities on the filter can be fully sucked.

The suction device brings the sucked impurities into the hydraulic motor chamber and then discharges them through the sewage valve. This cleaning method can more thoroughly remove the impurities on the filter, and at the same time has little impact on normal filtration during the cleaning process.

Brush cleaning

When cleaning the brush self-cleaning filter, the motor drives the rotating brush to brush the fine filter. The brush is usually made of soft but hard material, which can effectively remove impurities on the filter without damaging the filter.

The cleaned impurities are discharged from the filter with the water flow. The brush cleaning method is suitable for treating water with more viscous impurities, which can ensure that the filtering efficiency of the filter is not affected.

Backwash cleaning

Backwashing is a more common self-cleaning method. When cleaning is required, the water flow direction is reversed and flows in from the water outlet of the filter in the opposite direction to flush the fine filter. The strong reverse water flow can flush the impurities on the filter screen away from the filter screen and discharge them through the drain valve.

Backwash cleaning has the advantages of good cleaning effect and fast speed, and can restore the filtering performance of the filter screen in a short time.


Application scenarios of self-cleaning filters

Industrial field

Steel industry: In the process of steel production, a large amount of water is required for cooling, flushing and other links. Self-cleaning filters can filter these waters, remove impurities such as rust and suspended matter, and prevent pipe blockage and equipment damage. For example, in the blast furnace cooling system, the self-cleaning filter can ensure the cleanliness of cooling water, improve the cooling effect, and extend the service life of the equipment.

Automobile manufacturing: The coating production line in the automobile manufacturing process has extremely high requirements for water quality, and any tiny impurities may affect the coating quality. Self-cleaning filters can provide high-quality water sources for the coating production line to ensure smooth and uniform paint surface. At the same time, in the engine manufacturing process, self-cleaning filters can also be used for water filtration of cooling systems and lubrication systems to ensure the normal operation of the engine.

Power industry: Boiler water and circulating cooling water in power plants need to be strictly filtered. Self-cleaning filters can remove impurities in water, prevent boiler scaling and corrosion, and improve power generation efficiency. In addition, in nuclear power plants, self-cleaning filters also play a vital role in ensuring the safe operation of nuclear reactors.

Petrochemical: A large amount of wastewater is generated during the production process of the petrochemical industry, and these wastewaters contain various impurities and pollutants. Self-cleaning filters can pre-treat wastewater, remove suspended matter, oil and other impurities, and provide good conditions for subsequent sewage treatment processes. At the same time, in the chemical production process, self-cleaning filters can also be used for filtering raw water and circulating water to ensure the smooth progress of production.

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Agricultural field

Irrigation system: Agricultural irrigation water usually comes from rivers, lakes or groundwater, which contains a large amount of impurities such as silt and organic matter. Self-cleaning filters can filter irrigation water to prevent nozzle clogging and improve irrigation efficiency. At the same time, the filtered water can reduce soil pollution and is conducive to the growth of crops.

Aquaculture: Aquaculture requires clean water quality. Self-cleaning filters can remove suspended matter, organic matter and other impurities in water, providing a good living environment for aquatic organisms such as fish and shrimp. In addition, the self-cleaning filter can also prevent the pipes in the aquaculture pond from being blocked, ensuring the normal operation of the aquaculture system.

Municipal field

Sewage treatment: The self-cleaning filter can be used as a pretreatment equipment in the sewage treatment plant to remove large particle impurities in the sewage and reduce the burden of the subsequent treatment process. At the same time, in the deep treatment stage, the self-cleaning filter can also be used to remove tiny particles in the water and improve the water quality of the effluent.

Drinking water treatment: The self-cleaning filter can be used for the pretreatment of drinking water to remove impurities such as silt, rust, and suspended matter in the water, providing good conditions for the subsequent deep treatment process. In addition, the self-cleaning filter can also be installed in the water supply system of communities, schools, hospitals and other places to ensure the safety and hygiene of drinking water.


Other fields

Swimming pool water treatment: The water in the swimming pool needs to be continuously circulated and filtered to keep the water clean. The self-cleaning filter can remove impurities, bacteria and algae in the water, providing swimmers with a safe and comfortable swimming environment.

Central air conditioning system: The cooling water and chilled water of the central air conditioning system need to be filtered to prevent pipe blockage and equipment damage. The self-cleaning filter can remove impurities in the water, improve the operating efficiency of the system, and reduce maintenance costs.

Selection method of self-cleaning filter

Determine parameters

Processing water volume: Select a self-cleaning filter with appropriate flow rate according to the actual amount of water to be processed. If the processing water volume is too small, the filter will be frequently cleaned, affecting the filtering efficiency; if the processing water volume is too large, the filtering effect of the filter will decrease, and the filter may even be damaged. Therefore, when selecting, it is necessary to accurately calculate the maximum processing water volume of the system and leave a certain margin.

Working pressure: Understand the pipeline pressure of the system and select a self-cleaning filter that can withstand the pressure. If the working pressure of the filter is lower than the pipeline pressure of the system, it may cause the filter to rupture or leak; if the working pressure of the filter is too high, it will increase the cost and maintenance difficulty of the equipment. Therefore, when selecting, it is necessary to select a filter with appropriate working pressure according to the actual pressure of the system.


Filtration accuracy: Determine the required filtration accuracy according to the size of the impurity particles to be removed and the requirements for water quality. The higher the filtration accuracy, the smaller the impurity particles that can be intercepted, but it will also increase the resistance and cleaning frequency of the filter. Therefore, when selecting, it is necessary to select a filter with appropriate filtration accuracy according to actual needs. Generally speaking, the filtration accuracy of self-cleaning filters in the industrial field is usually between 10 and 1000 microns, and the filtration accuracy of self-cleaning filters in the municipal field and drinking water treatment is usually between 1 and 100 microns.

Concentration of suspended matter in filtered impurities: Understand the concentration of suspended matter in the water, which will affect the filtration efficiency and cleaning cycle of the filter. If the concentration of suspended matter is high, it is necessary to select a filter with a large dirt holding capacity or a high cleaning frequency. At the same time, the backwashing capacity of the filter needs to be considered to ensure that impurities on the filter can be removed in time.

Relevant physical and chemical properties of the filter medium: Consider the properties of the filter medium, such as temperature, pH, corrosiveness, etc. For media with special properties, it is necessary to select filters of corresponding materials or perform special treatment. For example, for high-temperature media, it is necessary to select high-temperature resistant filters; for corrosive media, it is necessary to select corrosion-resistant filters.


Consider other factors

Structural form: Determine the structural form of the self-cleaning filter according to the on-site installation location and space limitations. Common structural forms include vertical, horizontal, straight-through, Y-type, etc. Different structural forms are suitable for different installation occasions and need to be selected according to actual conditions.

Control mode: The control modes of self-cleaning filters include differential pressure control, time control, manual control and PLC control. Differential pressure control automatically starts cleaning according to the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the filter; time control is to clean at a set time interval; manual control requires manual operation to start cleaning; PLC control can achieve more complex logic control and automatic operation. When selecting, it is necessary to select the appropriate control mode according to actual needs and usage scenarios.

Special use: If there are special application requirements, such as high temperature, high pressure, corrosion resistance, etc., it is necessary to select a specially designed self-cleaning filter, or consult the manufacturer for a customized solution.

Brand and quality: Choosing a well-known brand and reliable quality self-cleaning filter can ensure the performance, stability and after-sales service of the product. The brand and quality can be evaluated by referring to the reputation of the manufacturer, the reputation of the product, and the quality certification.

Maintenance and care: Consider the difficulty and cost of filter maintenance, including the frequency of filter element replacement, cleaning method, and equipment durability. Choosing equipment that is easy to maintain and maintain can reduce the cost and workload of long-term use.

Comparison of products on the market

Filtration accuracy

Self-cleaning filters of different brands may have different filtration accuracy. Some brands may provide higher filtration accuracy, which can remove smaller particles of impurities and are suitable for occasions with extremely high water quality requirements. For example, some high-end brands of self-cleaning filters can achieve a filtration accuracy of 1 micron or even lower, which can effectively remove pollutants such as tiny particles, bacteria and viruses in the water, and provide high-quality water sources for industries such as electronic chip manufacturing and pharmaceuticals.

While other brands may have relatively low filtration accuracy, but have a large amount of treated water and low cost, which are suitable for industrial fields or municipal water supply systems that do not require particularly high water quality. For example, some mid-to-low-end brands of self-cleaning filters may have a filtration accuracy of 50-100 microns, which can remove larger particles of impurities in the water, such as silt, rust, etc., to meet the needs of general industrial production and urban water supply.


Processed water volume

Self-cleaning filters of different brands also differ in the amount of water they process. Some large-scale industrial self-cleaning filter brands may be able to handle larger water volumes, such as thousands of cubic meters per hour or even more, and are suitable for large factories, power stations and other places with high water requirements. These brands of self-cleaning filters are usually large in size and have strong filtering capabilities, and can filter and clean large amounts of water without affecting production.

Some small or civilian self-cleaning filter brands may handle relatively small water volumes, ranging from tens to hundreds of cubic meters per hour, which are suitable for places with small water consumption such as homes and small commercial places. These brands of self-cleaning filters are usually small in size and easy to install, which can meet the needs of small users.

Self-cleaning methods and efficiency

Self-cleaning methods: There are mainly several methods of self-cleaning filters on the market, such as suction cleaning, brush cleaning, and backwash cleaning. Different cleaning methods have their own advantages and disadvantages and are suitable for different occasions.

Suction cleaning: This cleaning method absorbs impurities on the filter screen through negative pressure, has a better cleaning effect, and has less impact on normal filtration. However, the suction device may be blocked or damaged, and requires regular maintenance and replacement.

Brush cleaning: Brush cleaning uses a rotating brush to brush the filter, which can effectively remove sticky impurities, but the wear and replacement of the brush is also a problem that needs to be considered.

Backwash cleaning: Backwash cleaning uses reverse water flow to flush the filter, which has good cleaning effect and fast speed, but consumes a certain amount of water during the cleaning process.

Cleaning efficiency: Cleaning efficiency is one of the important indicators to measure the performance of self-cleaning filters. Some brands of self-cleaning filters use advanced cleaning technology and control systems, which can complete the cleaning process in a short time and have significant cleaning effects. For example, some brands of self-cleaning filters use intelligent control systems, which can automatically adjust the cleaning cycle and cleaning intensity according to the pressure difference, time and other parameters of the filter to ensure that the filter always maintains good filtering performance. Other brands of self-cleaning filters may have low cleaning efficiency, require a long cleaning time, or have unsatisfactory cleaning effects, which can easily cause frequent clogging of the filter and affect normal use.


Equipment material and durability

Equipment material: The material of the self-cleaning filter directly affects its durability and scope of application. Common materials include carbon steel, stainless steel, fiberglass, etc.

Carbon steel material: Self-cleaning filters made of carbon steel have the advantages of high strength and low cost, but they are prone to rust and corrosion in highly corrosive environments and require anti-corrosion treatment.

Stainless steel material: Self-cleaning filters made of stainless steel have the advantages of good corrosion resistance, high strength, and beautiful appearance, but the price is relatively high.

FRP material: Self-cleaning filters made of FRP have the advantages of light weight, corrosion resistance, and good insulation performance, but the strength is relatively low, and are suitable for some occasions with high requirements for weight and corrosion.

Durability: Durability refers to the stability and reliability of the self-cleaning filter during long-term use. Some brands of self-cleaning filters use high-quality materials and advanced manufacturing processes, have high durability, and can operate stably for a long time in harsh environments. For example, some brands of self-cleaning filters use high-strength stainless steel filters and corrosion-resistant shells. After strict quality inspection and testing, they can ensure that there will be no deformation, leakage, and other problems during long-term use. Self-cleaning filters of other brands may have deficiencies in materials and manufacturing processes, are prone to failure and damage, and require frequent repairs and replacements.

Price and cost-effectiveness

Price: The prices of self-cleaning filters of different brands vary greatly. Generally speaking, the prices of products with well-known brands, high performance and high quality are relatively high, while the prices of products produced by some mid- and low-end brands or small manufacturers are relatively low. When choosing a self-cleaning filter, price cannot be used as the only criterion, but also factors such as product performance, quality, and after-sales service need to be considered comprehensively.

Cost-effectiveness: Cost-effectiveness refers to the ratio between the performance and price of a product. When choosing a self-cleaning filter, it is necessary to comprehensively consider factors such as the product's filtration accuracy, water volume, self-cleaning method and efficiency, equipment material and durability, as well as price factors, and choose the product with the highest cost-effectiveness. For example, although the price of some brands of self-cleaning filters is relatively high, they perform well in performance and quality, can bring long-term economic and social benefits to users, and have a high cost-effectiveness. While other brands of self-cleaning filters are relatively low in price, they have deficiencies in performance and quality, which may bring more maintenance and replacement costs to users, and the cost-effectiveness is relatively low.

In summary, as an efficient and intelligent filtering device, self-cleaning filters are widely used in various fields. When choosing a self-cleaning filter, you need to consider factors such as filtration        price and cost performance according to actual needs and usage scenarios, and choose the product that best suits you. At the same time, you also need to choose a well-known brand and a reliable manufacturer to ensure product performance, stability and after-sales service.