How to choose a walnut shell filter

DATE:2024-09-10Number of views: Source:LEFILTER


Among numerous water treatment equipment, walnut shell filters play an important role in various fields with their unique advantages. The correct selection of walnut shell filters is crucial for ensuring water treatment effectiveness, improving system operating efficiency, and reducing costs. This article will provide a detailed introduction to the selection method of walnut shell filters, including factors to consider, technical parameter analysis, selection strategies for different application scenarios, etc., to provide users with comprehensive selection guidance.


Overview of Walnut Shell Filter:

Walnut shell filter is a pressure filter that uses walnut shell as the filtering medium. It utilizes the physical properties and adsorption performance of walnut shells to effectively remove suspended solids, organic matter, oils, and other impurities in water. Walnut shell filters are usually composed of a tank body, inlet and outlet ports, water distribution system, water collection system, backwash system, etc. Its working principle is that when water passes through the filter, the walnut shell filter medium intercepts and adsorbs impurities in the water. After a period of operation, the impurities adsorbed on the walnut shell are washed away by the backwash system, restoring the filtering performance of the filter medium.

How to choose a walnut shell filter (2) 

Selection considerations:

1. Processing water volume

The amount of treated water is one of the important criteria for selecting walnut shell filters. Users need to determine the required water treatment capacity of the filter based on their actual water treatment needs. Generally speaking, the larger the amount of water processed, the larger the size and specifications of the filter should also be correspondingly increased.

2. Water quality requirements

Different application scenarios have different requirements for water quality, which can also affect the selection of walnut shell filters. For example, for drinking water treatment, it is required that the filter can remove impurities such as microorganisms, organic matter, heavy metals, etc. from the water, meeting the national drinking water standards; For industrial wastewater treatment, it may be necessary to remove specific pollutants such as oils, suspended solids, chromaticity, etc. Therefore, when selecting, it is necessary to determine the filtration accuracy and processing capacity of the filter according to the water quality requirements.

3. Inlet water quality

The quality of incoming water is also one of the key factors in selection. Understanding the characteristics of incoming water quality, such as suspended solids content, organic matter content, oil content, hardness, etc., can help users choose the appropriate walnut shell filter. If the incoming water quality is poor and contains a lot of impurities and pollutants, it may be necessary to choose a filter with high filtration accuracy and strong treatment capacity.

4. Space limitations

In some situations, installation space may be limited. Therefore, when selecting, it is necessary to consider the size and footprint of the filter, and choose a filter that is suitable for the installation space. At the same time, it is also necessary to consider the operation and maintenance space of the filter to facilitate the operation and maintenance of the equipment.

5. Operating costs

Operating costs are also one of the factors to consider when selecting. The operating costs of walnut shell filters mainly include energy consumption, backwash water consumption, and filter medium replacement costs. When selecting, energy-saving, water-saving, and long-lasting filters should be chosen to reduce operating costs.

6. Equipment reliability

The reliability of equipment is the key to ensuring the stable operation of the system. When selecting, a walnut shell filter with reliable quality and stable performance should be chosen to avoid affecting the normal operation of the system due to equipment failure. The reliability of equipment can be evaluated by understanding the manufacturer's reputation, product quality certification, and other methods.

 How to choose a walnut shell filter (3)

Technical parameter analysis

1. Filtering accuracy

Filtering accuracy refers to the minimum particle size that a filter can remove. The filtration accuracy of walnut shell filters is generally between 10 μ m and 50 μ m, and can be selected according to different water quality requirements. The higher the filtering accuracy, the better the effect of removing impurities, but it will also increase the resistance and operating cost of the filter.

2. Work pressure

The working pressure of walnut shell filters is generally between 0.2MPa-0.6MPa. When selecting, the appropriate filter should be chosen according to the pressure requirements of the system to ensure that the filter can operate at normal working pressure.

3. Backwash intensity

Backwash intensity refers to the amount of flushing water required per unit area of filter media during backwashing. The greater the backwash intensity, the better the backwash effect, but it will also increase the backwash water consumption and operating costs. Generally speaking, the backwash strength of walnut shell filters is between 10L/m ² · s-15L/m ² · s.

4. Filtration speed

The filtration speed refers to the ratio of the amount of water passing through the filter per unit time to the cross-sectional area of the filter. The higher the filtration speed, the larger the amount of water processed, but it will also reduce the filtration effect. Generally speaking, the filtration speed of walnut shell filters is between 5m/h-10m/h.

5. Filling amount of filter media

The filling amount of filter media refers to the volume of walnut shell filter media in the filter. The larger the filling amount of the filtering medium, the larger the filtering area, and the stronger the processing capacity, but it will also increase the cost and footprint of the filter. When selecting, the appropriate filling amount of filter media should be determined based on the treatment water volume and water quality requirements.


Selection strategies for different application scenarios

1. Oilfield wastewater treatment

Oilfield wastewater contains a large amount of impurities such as oil, suspended solids, and organic matter, which require high filtration accuracy and treatment capacity for walnut shell filters. When selecting, walnut shell filters with high filtration accuracy, good backwashing effect, and strong oil resistance should be chosen. At the same time, the corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance of the filter should also be considered to adapt to the complex environment of oilfield wastewater.

2. Industrial wastewater treatment

There are various types of industrial wastewater with complex water quality, which requires high adaptability of walnut shell filters. When selecting, appropriate filtration accuracy, backwash strength, and filtration speed should be chosen based on the characteristics of different industrial wastewater. For example, for papermaking wastewater containing a large amount of suspended solids, walnut shell filters with high filtration accuracy and strong backwashing strength can be selected; For printing and dyeing wastewater containing organic matter and color, walnut shell filters with adsorption properties can be selected.

3. Drinking water treatment

Drinking water treatment requires extremely high water quality. As a pre-treatment equipment, walnut shell filters should be selected with high filtration accuracy, good backwashing effect, and no secondary pollution. At the same time, the hygiene performance and reliability of the filter should also be considered to ensure the safety of drinking water.

4. Swimming pool water treatment

Swimming pool water contains a large amount of suspended solids, organic matter, bacteria and other impurities, which require high filtration speed and backwashing effect of walnut shell filters. When selecting, one should choose a walnut shell filter that has fast filtration speed, easy backwashing, and can effectively remove bacteria.



The correct selection of walnut shell filters is crucial for ensuring water treatment effectiveness, improving system operating efficiency, and reducing costs. When selecting, users should comprehensively consider factors such as processing water volume, water quality requirements, inlet water quality, space limitations, operating costs, and equipment reliability, analyze technical parameters such as filtration accuracy, working pressure, backwash strength, filtration speed, and filter medium filling amount, and choose appropriate selection strategies based on different application scenarios. At the same time, case analysis can be used to deepen the understanding and application of selection methods. Through scientific and rational selection, users can choose walnut shell filters that meet their needs, providing strong guarantees for the stable operation of water treatment systems.

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