How to choose a fiber ball filter

DATE:2024-09-11Number of views: Source:LEFILTER


Among numerous water treatment equipment, fiber ball filters have received widespread attention and application due to their efficient filtration performance, small footprint, and low operating costs. However, choosing a suitable fiber ball filter is not an easy task and requires comprehensive consideration of multiple factors. This article will provide a detailed introduction to the selection method of fiber ball filters, helping users make wise choices.


working principle

Fiber ball filters mainly use fiber balls as filtering media to remove impurities from water through physical interception, adsorption, and other processes. When the water to be filtered passes through the fiber ball layer, suspended particles, organic matter, microorganisms and other impurities in the water are intercepted by the fiber balls on the surface or in the internal voids. At the same time, special coatings or chemicals on the surface of fiber balls can also adsorb and remove certain specific pollutants, thereby achieving the goal of purifying water quality.

 How to choose a fiber ball filter (3)


1. High filtration efficiency: Fiber ball filters have high filtration accuracy and can remove small particles and organic matter from water, with significant filtration effects.

2. Small footprint: With a compact structure and small footprint, it is suitable for use in situations with limited space.

3. Low operating costs: low filtration resistance and low energy consumption during operation. Low backwash water volume, saving water resources and operating costs.

4. Simple operation: With a high degree of automation, automatic operation and backwashing can be achieved through a PLC control system.

5. Long service life: The filter medium is made of high-quality fiber materials, which have good chemical stability, corrosion resistance, and wear resistance.


Considerations for selecting fiber ball filters

1Processing water volume

The amount of treated water is one of the important criteria for selection. The treatment capacity of the fiber ball filter needs to be determined based on the actual water demand. Generally speaking, the processing capacity of fiber ball filters can range from a few cubic meters per hour to several hundred cubic meters per hour. When selecting, it should be ensured that the processing water volume of the selected filter can meet the actual needs and leave a certain margin to cope with possible water volume fluctuations.

2Inlet water quality

The quality of incoming water is also a key factor in selection. The water quality of different water sources may vary greatly. It is necessary to analyze the water quality of the incoming water, including suspended particles, organic matter, microorganisms, hardness, acidity, and other indicators. Based on the characteristics of the incoming water quality, select the appropriate type of fiber ball filter and filter medium to ensure effective removal of impurities from the water and meet the required water quality requirements.

For example, if the incoming water contains a high amount of organic matter and microorganisms, a fiber ball filter with strong adsorption capacity can be selected, and special chemical agents can be added to enhance the removal effect of organic matter and microorganisms. If the hardness of the incoming water is high, a fiber ball filter with softening function can be selected, or a softening device can be added after the filter.

3Requirements for effluent quality

The requirements for effluent quality vary in different application scenarios. For example, industrial water may have strict requirements for suspended particles, hardness, acidity, and other indicators in the water; Domestic drinking water needs to meet relevant national hygiene standards. When selecting, the appropriate fiber ball filter type and filtration accuracy should be chosen based on the actual effluent quality requirements.

Generally speaking, the filtration accuracy of fiber ball filters can range from a few micrometers to several tens of micrometers. The higher the filtering accuracy, the better the effect of removing impurities, but at the same time, it will also increase the resistance and operating cost of the filter. Therefore, when selecting filtration accuracy, it is necessary to comprehensively consider factors such as effluent quality requirements, treatment capacity, and operating costs, and find a suitable balance point.

4Equipment size and installation space

The size and installation space of fiber ball filters are also factors that need to be considered. When selecting a filter, the size and shape of the filter should be determined based on the actual installation site conditions. If the installation space is limited, you can choose fiber ball filters with small footprint and compact structure, such as vertical fiber ball filters or integrated fiber ball filters.

At the same time, it is necessary to consider the connection method and size of the inlet and outlet pipelines of the filter to ensure that the filter can be smoothly connected to the existing pipeline system.

5Operating costs

Operating costs are also one of the important considerations for selection. The operating costs of fiber ball filters mainly include energy consumption, backwash water volume, and the cost of replacing filter media. When choosing a filter, one should choose a product with low operating costs and high energy efficiency.

For example, fiber ball filters with low filtration resistance and low energy consumption can be chosen; Reasonably set backwash parameters to reduce backwash water volume; Choose filter media with long service life and low replacement frequency to reduce the cost of replacing filter media.

6Equipment reliability and maintenance convenience

The reliability and ease of maintenance of the equipment are also factors that need to be considered. Choose brands and manufacturers with good reputation and quality assurance to ensure the reliability and stability of the equipment. At the same time, fiber ball filters that are easy to maintain, such as products that are easy to disassemble, clean, and replace filter media, should be selected.

In addition, fiber ball filters with remote monitoring and fault diagnosis functions can also be considered for timely detection and resolution of equipment operation problems, improving equipment reliability and maintenance efficiency.

How to choose a fiber ball filter (2)

Selection steps of fiber ball filter

1Determine the amount of treated water and the quality of incoming water

Firstly, it is necessary to determine the treatment capacity of the fiber ball filter based on the actual water demand. At the same time, analyze the incoming water quality to understand indicators such as suspended particles, organic matter, microorganisms, hardness, and acidity/alkalinity in the water.

2Determine the requirements for effluent quality

Determine the required effluent quality requirements based on different application scenarios. For example, industrial water may have strict requirements for suspended particles, hardness, acidity, and other indicators in the water; Domestic drinking water needs to meet relevant national hygiene standards.

3Select fiber ball filter type

Select the appropriate type of fiber ball filter based on factors such as water treatment capacity, inlet water quality, and outlet water quality requirements. Common types of fiber ball filters include vertical fiber ball filters, horizontal fiber ball filters, integrated fiber ball filters, etc.

1) Vertical fiber ball filter: Small footprint, suitable for situations with limited space. High filtering accuracy and good processing effect. But installation and maintenance are relatively complex.

2) Horizontal fiber ball filter: easy to install and maintain, suitable for handling situations with large water volumes. But it occupies a relatively large area.

3) Integrated fiber ball filter: Integrating the fiber ball filter with other water treatment equipment, such as sand filters, activated carbon filters, etc., to form an integrated water treatment system. The integrated fiber ball filter has the advantages of small footprint, good treatment effect, and low operating cost, but the price is relatively high.

4Determine the filtering accuracy and filtering medium

Determine the filtration accuracy of the fiber ball filter based on the requirements of the effluent quality and the characteristics of the influent quality. Generally speaking, the higher the filtering accuracy, the better the effect of removing impurities, but at the same time, it will also increase the resistance and operating cost of the filter.

Choosing the appropriate filtering medium is also very important. Common fiber ball filtration media include polyester fiber balls, polypropylene fiber balls, etc. Different filtering media have different characteristics and applicable ranges, and need to be selected according to the actual situation.

5Calculate device size and determine installation method

Calculate the size of the fiber ball filter based on factors such as processing water volume, filtration accuracy, and filtration medium. Meanwhile, based on the actual installation site conditions, determine the installation method of the filter, such as above ground installation, underground installation, etc.



The selection of fiber ball filters is a complex process that requires comprehensive consideration of multiple factors such as treatment water volume, inlet water quality, outlet water quality requirements, equipment size and installation space, operating costs, 

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