Function and operating principle of coalescing and separation filters

DATE:2024-09-11Number of views: Source:LEFILTER

The coalescing separation of oil and water means that the jet fuel and the solid particles and water it carries flow into the coalescing filter element from the inlet of the filter separator. The coalescing filter element has two functions: filtering solid particles and coalescing water droplets. The solid particles are blocked by the filter layer inside the coalescing filter element to achieve solid-liquid separation; small water droplets are coalesced into large water droplets by the demulsification layer and the coalescing layer, and then blocked by the separation filter element outside, and settle to the bottom by gravity to achieve oil-water separation; clean jet fuel flows out from the outlet through the separation filter element

Function and operating principle of coalescing and separation filters (2)

Function of coalescing filter element: 

Coalescing filter element is an important functional element of fine filter. It can meet the needs of various fine filters used in fixed mobile refueling facilities.

1. Use filter paper with multi-layer composite structure, high filtration accuracy;

2. Carefully set and specially treated glass fiber layer, good coalescing effect.

3. High flow density, reducing the size of fine filter;

4. Large dirt holding capacity and long service life;

5. Complete specifications and varieties, which can meet the needs of various fine filters.

Working principle of coalescing filter element:

In the oil dewatering system, after the oil flows into the coalescing separator, it first flows through the coalescing filter element, which removes solid impurities and coalesces extremely small water droplets into larger water droplets. Most of the coalesced water droplets can be separated from the oil by their own weight and settled in the lower water collection tank.

The working process is as follows:

Demulsification and celling - interception - impact - affinity - coagulation - adsorption - floating Affinity: The inner surface oil droplets are affinized together and directly floated and separated under the action of specific gravity. Coagulation: The suspended small oil particles are coalesced into large oil droplets under the action of lipophilic filter materials. Adsorption: The large oil droplets are constantly captured by the adsorption layer designed on the outer layer of the filter element to prevent secondary carryover. Floating: Under the action of liquid homophilic mutual affinity, the oil with increased specific gravity floats rapidly to achieve liquid-liquid separation. Filter element structure: This filter element type is internal in and external out, and is composed of a demulsification layer, a coalescing layer, and an adsorption affinity layer.

Function and operating principle of coalescing and separation filters (3)

Function of the separation filter element

The separation filter element is a common liquid filter device, and its main functions are as follows:

Separation of solid suspended matter: The separation filter element can effectively separate fine solid particles, suspended matter and other impurities from the liquid.

Filtering nanoparticles: Some advanced separation filter elements can achieve separation and filtration of 1-5 nanometer particles.

Removal of microorganisms: Bacteria, protozoa, fungi and other microorganisms can be separated to achieve sterilization effect of water source.

Clear liquid: After filtering by the separation filter element, a clear liquid product without impurities can be obtained.

Precipitated solids: The filtered solid impurities are densely filtered to become easy-to-handle sludge sediment.

Purification of liquid: Commonly used for purification of industrial raw material liquid and deep purification of distilled water.

Flow control: It helps to control flow and flow rate to prevent system blockage.

Removal of eye irritants: For example, ozone in petroleum refining can be effectively removed.

Separation of particle pre-turbidity: Provide pre-turbidity for subsequent treatment.

Function and operating principle of coalescing and separation filters (4)

What is the working principle of the separation filter element?

The working principle of the separation filter element is mainly to complete the separation through the filtering effect of the filter material.


The liquid with impurities enters from the inlet of the filter element.

There are multiple layers of filter paper or filter material with different pore sizes inside the filter element, which are filtered layer by layer from the outside to the inside.

When the filtrate passes through each layer of filter paper, according to the selection of the pore size of the filter paper, the larger impurity particle size cannot pass through the pore size of the current layer and is isolated on the surface of the filter paper.

And the impurities smaller than the pore size of this layer can continue to pass through the inner filter paper with the flow.

After multiple layers of filtration, the impurities gathered in the outer layer become larger and larger, and the liquid filtered out of the inner layer has a higher and higher lock degree.

In the end, most of the impurities accumulate on the outer filter paper to form a filter cake, which can be removed by cleaning the filter element.

And the liquid passing through the inner filter paper has fully separated the impurities and becomes a clear filtrate.

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